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Table of Contents
  • Article 1 - Preamble
  • Article 2 - Purpose
  • Article 3 - Language
  • Article 4 - Duration
  • Article 5 - Online Order
  • Article 6 - Availability
  • Article 7 - Price - Payment - Billing
  • Article 8 - Online Payment Security
  • Article 9 - Shipping Costs - Transport
  • Article 10 - Delivery Times
  • Article 11 - Shipping Notice and Order Tracking
  • Article 12 - Delivery Terms
  • Article 13 - Delivery Verification - Exchange
  • Article 14 - Right of Withdrawal
  • Article 15 - Warranty - After-Sales Service
  • Article 16 - Customer Service
  • Article 17 - Liability
  • Article 18 - Data Protection Act - Personal Data
  • Article 19 - Archiving
  • Article 20 - Applicable Law - Jurisdiction
Article 1 - Preamble

These general terms and conditions of sale govern the contractual relationship between:

the company SASU Oseky, 1 Square des Iris, Jallais – 49510 Beaupréau en Mauges, registered with the R.C.S. of Angers under No. 982 537 680, hereinafter referred to as "Oseky" and

the customer wishing to make a purchase on the company's website Oseky hereinafter referred to as "the Customer".

By validating their order, the Customer declares to accept the terms of said order, as well as all of these general terms and conditions of sale.

The parties agree that these general terms and conditions of sale are the only ones applicable, to the exclusion of any general or specific conditions of the Customer that the company Oseky has not expressly accepted in writing.

Article 2 - Purpose

These general terms and conditions of sale are intended to define the rights and obligations of the parties within the framework of the online sale of products available on the website www.ad-pro.fr.

Article 3 - Language

These general terms and conditions of sale are available only in French.

Article 4 - Duration

These general terms and conditions of online sales apply for the entire duration of the online availability of the goods and services offered by the company Oseky.

Article 5 - Online Order
5.1 Legal Capacity

The customer guarantees that they have the legal capacity to contract, i.e., they are of legal age and are not under any adult protection regime.

5.2. Registration - Identification

Prior to any online order, the internet user who does not have a customer number must follow a registration procedure to open their customer account.

The order can only be recorded on the site if the user has clearly identified themselves by entering their email and password.

5.3. The Order Basket

The Customer must choose the product they want to order by clicking on "buy".

The chosen product will automatically be placed in their order basket.

5.4. Order Summary and Validation

The order summary allows the Customer to review their choices, cancel, or correct any errors made during entry.

The Customer must then validate their order.

Validation constitutes the Customer's express acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale.

The data recorded by the company Oseky constitutes proof of the transaction between it and the Customer.

5.5. Order Acknowledgment

After the order is recorded, an acknowledgment will be sent to the Customer by email, which is recommended to be kept.

Article 6 - Availability

The online product and price offers are valid as long as they are visible on the site www.ad-pro.fr, within the limits of available stocks.

In case of unavailability of a product ordered, the company Oseky will inform the Customer by email and/or postal mail, and/or by phone within a reasonable time.

The Customer will have the choice between a new delivery time, an equivalent product, or the cancellation of their order.

If they refuse the proposed new delivery time, their order will be canceled, and they will be refunded no later than thirty days.

Article 7 - Price - Payment - Billing

Prices are indicated in euros including VAT (All taxes included), excluding shipping costs. Shipping costs are indicated at the end of the order before validation.

Any change in the VAT rate or any new tax that would be introduced between the time of the order and the delivery will be borne by the customer.

Similarly, if one or more taxes or contributions, particularly environmental ones, are created or modified, this change will be reflected in the Customer's invoice.

Accepted payment methods are credit card: CB, Visa, and MasterCard, Paypal, bank transfer.

The order invoice will be sent to the customer by email no later than at the time of delivery.

Article 8 - Online Payment Security

The site www.ad-pro.fr has a secure online payment system: SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

This system allows the encryption of the Customer's credit card number.

To protect its customers against possible intrusion, the company Oseky does not store credit card numbers on its computer servers.

Credit card numbers are processed on the Stripe payment platform and services, which return an authorization number to the company Oseky.

Article 9 - Shipping Costs - Transport

Shipping costs are borne by the Customer.

They are calculated according to the total weight and the delivery department of the order for mainland France and Monaco.

Any order delivered outside the European Community may be subject to possible taxes and customs duties at the Customer's expense.

Delivery alone does not include the commissioning of the devices.

The company Oseky reserves the choice of carrier and guarantees the proper delivery of the Products.

Transport risks are borne by the Customer from the moment the Product leaves the warehouse.

The ordered Products will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer.

Article 10 - Delivery Times

The company Oseky undertakes to deliver the goods within thirty days from the day following the Customer's order.

In case of an extended delivery time, the company Oseky undertakes to inform the Customer as soon as possible.

In case of exceeding the delivery date by more than seven days compared to the agreed time and if this delay is not due to a case of force majeure, the Customer may cancel the contract by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to Oseky - Customer Service - 1 Square des Iris, Jallais 49510 Beaupréau en Mauges.

The sale will then be considered canceled, the Customer will be refunded within thirty days, and the company Oseky will retain the product subject to the sale.

If the shipment occurred before the cancellation letter is received, the Customer agrees to refuse the merchandise.

Article 11 - Shipping Notice and Order Tracking

A shipping notice informing the Customer of the expected delivery date of their order will be sent by email.

Article 12 - Delivery Terms

In case of the Customer's absence during the delivery of their order, a delivery notice will be left by the carrier.

This notice will indicate the steps to follow for the carrier to make a second delivery attempt.

In case of non-delivery or non-receipt of the order 10 days after the carrier's first attempt, the Customer's package will be returned by the carrier to the company Oseky.

Any new shipment of the package to the Customer will be at the Customer's expense, with the delivery costs borne by the Customer.

Article 13 - Delivery Verification - Exchange

Upon receipt of the goods, the Customer must carefully check the package(s) and verify the contents in the presence of the delivery person